New member benefit! Professional will administrators
Psychologists in Washington State are both ethically and legally required to maintain professional wills for their practices. A professional will outlines who will manage the closing of your practice should you die or are incapacitated and cannot manage the closing yourself. Don’t have a professional will? WSPA members may use the attached template created just for you.To help WSPA members meet the ethical and legal obligations of a professional will, we would like to announce that you may list WSPA as the administrator of your professional will. WSPA will maintain a list of psychologists willing to serve as administrators, allowing you to rest easy knowing that when the time comes, a trusted colleague will do what is needed.
As this is a new member benefit, we are looking for psychologists to volunteer to be on our Professional Will Administrators list. Administrators would be contacted when services are requested. The personal will of the decedent should include a provision for payment by the estate to the administrator of the professional will for such service. WSPA suggests the usual hourly rate for treatment as the guideline to set the payment term. Duties may include, but are not limited to, contacting current clients, offering limited sessions focused on the death/incapacitation of the psychologist, closing out client files, referring clients who need further treatment to appropriate providers, and managing the administrative needs of closing the practice.
Please email WSPA at to add your name to the list of Professional Will Administrators.
Samantha Slaughter, PsyD - Director of Professional Affairs
Washington State Psychological Association
c: 206-678-5658