Committee - DRN

WSPA's Disaster Resource Network (DRN) is building a community of psychologists committed to humanitarian and clinical involvements during times of human-made and natural disasters.
Key Functions
- Establish an on-line database of WSPA DRN members that identifies their expertise, interests, experience, and geographic location.
- Provide DRN trainings and opportunities for our members and the community via workshops, online courses, and links to relevant trauma, PTSD, complicated grief, loss and other conferences and trainings related to COVID-19 and its far reaching psychological and behavioral effects.
- Continue to foster viable partnerships with the American Psychological Association's DRN, the Red Cross, PHRC and other local and state agencies
- Develop a web-based resource center with articles and publications by our members and other professionals that will be helpful to members and to the general community and public. Click here to visit our COVID-19 resources.
- Engage our members in sharing their expertise and consulting with other professional, agencies, frontline and essential workers and all those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic via teleconference calls and other venues
- Establishing a Pro Bono database of volunteers
Psychologists have had a long standing tradition and commitment to providing humanitarian and psychological support during times of need. With the continuing increase in mass violence, natural disasters and various forms of terrorism there is a growing need to assist those who have been affected by such devastating events. Psychologists have the unique skill set, training and expertise to provide resources, education and trainings. They also provide relief to first responders, survivors, survivors families, and communities that have been affected by a catastrophic events. Although psychologists do not offer therapy at disaster sites, they can help people build upon their own internal strengths to begin the process of recovering from the disaster. As psychologists we can be involved in all aspects of disaster mental health including preparedness, response, and helping communities post-disaster. Click here to learn more about what psychologists do in disaster relief operations.
Our Disaster Resource Network is lead by Debbie Shapiro, Psy.D., a trauma expert with local and national disaster mental health experience. She has a general private practice and is a volunteer of the American Red Cross as well as The Public Reserve Corp and has worked with local and national Disaster Action Teams.If you are interested in the DRN committee and would like to help or receive updates please email us below.