Committee - Good Trouble

If you've seen the emails about WSPA's newly revitalized Diversity Committee and been interested to learn more, here's a chance! Please note that the committee has been retitled to the Good Trouble Committee (see inspiration below), and this is our draft mission statement. If this is the kind of good trouble you'd like to be involved in, we would love to chat more with you in the breakout room on Friday, 10/16 from 12:45 - 1:45 PM. Hope to recruit some more fellow troublers there!
"My philosophy is very simple. When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, say something! Do something! Get in trouble! Good trouble! Necessary trouble! – John Lewis
WSPA’S Good Trouble Committee was founded and inspired by these words of the revered late congressman and civil rights leader, John Lewis, whose immense legacy informs and infuses our mission and vision. As psychologists and members of WSPA, we directly strive to recognize, respect, and uphold the value of all people, their perspectives, experiences, and ways of living, regardless of age, gender expression or gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, socio-economic status, region of residence, physical or mental health status, religious or spiritual affiliation, sexual or affectional orientation, and political values and beliefs, among other facets of human diversity. We pledge to find good trouble by continuously recognizing and working to eradicate all forms of prejudice and discrimination, injustice, exclusion, and inequality that exist in ourselves, our organizations, and institutions, and their language, policies, and practices. Our vision for psychology, those whom we serve, our families, workplaces, and communities is one in which we actively seek, celebrate, and champion equal representation that contributes to human flourishing. We seek to cultivate and promote inclusion by engaging authentic, empowered, and full participation in the true sense of belonging. Ultimately, we strive to help create a more just, inclusive, vibrant world in which all humans are valued and respected, all voices are heard, and all people are free to lead healthy, fulfilling lives that realize their full potential.
By implementing thoughtful, practical, and innovative strategies, the goals of WSPA’s Good Trouble Committee are:
- To increase access to and value of the WSPA for members of marginalized groups and those who serve such groups by strengthening and creating pathways for involvement, retention, and full participation of diverse members and leaders of WSPA.
- To increase the capacity of WSPA members to identify, resist, and subvert oppressive systems and policies in ourselves, our work, and the wider world.
- To consistently engage in interrogation in order to decolonize our organizational and professional norms, policies, and practices.
- To promote educational opportunities for psychologists, psychologists-in-training, and other mental health professionals that are consistent with our commitment to routinely and consistently include and incorporate all relevant issues related to diversity and equity.
- To create a welcoming, supportive community for all members, including networking opportunities for psychologists and psychologists-in-training of diverse backgrounds.
- To foster an atmosphere in which all members feel safe and can engage in what is at times difficult and challenging but meaningful dialogue in the service of improving our own exploration of bias and privilege. These conversations may include calling in and/or calling out each other as one way of interrupting bias and modeling these conversations in other contexts, and with other individuals and groups.
- To engage in legislative advocacy and other advocacy efforts that aim to abolish all forms of prejudice, discrimination, exclusion, and inequality and aim to promote a more just, equitable world. These advocacy efforts include, but are not limited to the field/profession of psychology.
- To create low-barrier strategies to gain feedback from participants and enact requested changes which serve to promote inclusion and empowerment for WSPA membership.
- To increase the accessibility and equitability of psychological service to Washington State residents and beyond.
If you have interest in the Good Trouble Committee and would like to help or receive updates please register below.