Fall Convention - Sponsorship and Advertising

The convention returns to the Hilton Hotel in Bellevue, WA on October 11-13, 2019. The convention will combine networking, reputed speakers and presenters, student poster presenters, exhibitors, an awards luncheon, and membership events to create a great continuing education experience. We anticipate over 100 attendees Friday, over 100 Saturday, and over 50 attendees on Sunday.
Promoting your business with a display ad in the convention program or being a sponsor of an event or two will help defray our expenses and have a more financially successful convention. If you have any questions, please email the business office at wspa@wspapsych.org or call 206-547-4220. Click on the 2018 cover on the left to view the last year's program and advertisers.
Corporate Sponsor, Advertising and Exhibitor Information
Member Sponsor and Advertising Information
2019 Sponsors to date:

Washington State Psychological Association (WSPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. WSPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.